Black Velvet on Blue Velvet

Greg enjoys getting the new chair all fuzzy.

I’m too sexy…

And I do my little turn on the catwalk.

Perfect Sophie

I tried to come up with “Embarrassing Cat Facts” about her, but there are none. She’s perfect!

Spoiled Bruno

Embarrassing Cat Facts. Spoiled Bruno waits for me to get out of bed so he can sleep with his head on my silk pillowcase.

Embarrassing Cat Facts

Embarrassing Cat Facts: Archie will only sit on my lap when I’m on the toilet.

Sunny Spot

Archie found the sunny spot.

Black Panther

Every house needs a panther!

Mr. Pink Nose

There’s nothing cuter than a pink nose!

Wooly Bully

I would brush his tummy if he would let me.

Morning Grooming

Girls gotta keep clean!